Slow day today; busted spoke and buckled front wheel plus a punture at the back. Strong SW wind kept me down to about 10-11 mph on the flat. 95 degree heat didn't bother too much as there's only 25% humidity, apart from the wind, which died down by 3pm, it's really good cycling weather. I'm getting worried about the amount of lose dogs there are running out from front yards to chase me. Most of the time they are only little dogs, still pretty fierce though, but as I came down the hill into Shamrock, two Dobermens came out. They didn't persue me that far but did bark and were loose on the street. They ran a story on CNN tonight on an increase of dog attacks and people breeding pitbulls for fighting. That's all I f*cking need.

Saw my first cactus and tumbleweed today as pedalled towards the Oklahoma - Texas border. The roads are very quiet round here and cycled some very old sections of 66 through some fantastic ghost towns; Texola has too be seen to be believed. The architecture's getting more and more wild west (Tex-Mex) and people have that Texan accent the GWB fakes so badly.
1 comment:
Tim,I'm planning an Octomber 2021 bike ride from Chicago to LA Thanks for the tip on the free running dogs,I will keep an eye opened for them.Charles Hardin. Saint Louis
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