Saturday, 25 August 2007

Day 11 Springfield MO to Baxter Springs KS 92.8 miles

Made it across the state line and into Kansas today. Route 66 only goes 13 miles in the state, it clips the South-East corner, and I'm staying in a cheap motel right on the Kansas - Oklahoma border in Baxter Springs . The Western side of Missouri has been much nicer the East, people seem friendlier and the landscape's more interesting. Flatter too, which is a bonus. I'm going to have to brave the smell and take a picture of a roadkill armadillo for you, they really are quite spectacular.

Abandoned church, Albatross, MO

The dashboard of my eighteen wheeled roadkill maker.

I can't remember where this was but I know it was taken on day 11
It's typical of the small towns I pass through; very, very quiet.

Route 66 between Albatross and Rescue, Missouri.
Wake me up when I reach Joplin.

Me, Rescue, MO

Route 66 through Galena and 13 miles of Kansas.

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